tab completion for service command on debian

First of all check if bash-completion is installed run:

 $ dpkg -l bash-completion | tail -1

it should output something like:

ii  bash-completion  1:1.3-1  programmable completion for the bash shell

If output is empty thus install it with:

aptitude install bash-completion

Then check if it is enabled:

 $ grep -A 2 bash_completion ~/.bashrc /etc/bash.bashrc

Should output something like

~/.bashrc:if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
~/.bashrc:    . /etc/bash_completion

If nothing like this or it is commented (has # after ~/.bashrc:) then add/uncomment

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
    . /etc/bash_completion

to ~/.bashrc and reread it with

. ~/.bashrc

After that it should work fine.