How to verify JWT from AWS Cognito in the API backend?

Solution 1:

Turns out I didn't read the docs right. It's explained here (scroll down to "Using ID Tokens and Access Tokens in your Web APIs").

The API service can download Cognito's secrets and use them to verify received JWT's. Perfect.


@Groady's comment is on point: but how do you validate the tokens? I'd say use a battle-tested library like jose4j or nimbus (both Java) for that and don't implement the verification from scratch yourself.

Here's an example implementation for Spring Boot using nimbus that got me started when I recently had to implement this in java/dropwizard service.

Solution 2:

Here's a way to verify the signature on NodeJS:

var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var jwkToPem = require('jwk-to-pem');
var pem = jwkToPem(jwk);
jwt.verify(token, pem, function(err, decoded) {

// Note : You can get jwk from https://cognito-idp.{region}{userPoolId}/.well-known/jwks.json 

Solution 3:

Execute an Authorization Code Grant Flow

Assuming that you:

  • have correctly configured a user pool in AWS Cognito, and
  • are able to signup/login and get an access code via:


Your browser should redirect to <your-redirect-uri>?code=4dd94e4f-3323-471e-af0f-dc52a8fe98a0

Now you need to pass that code to your back-end and have it request a token for you.

POST https://<your-domain>

  • set your Authorization header to Basic and use username=<app client id> and password=<app client secret> per your app client configured in AWS Cognito
  • set the following in your request body:
    • grant_type=authorization_code
    • code=<your-code>
    • client_id=<your-client-id>
    • redirect_uri=<your-redirect-uri>

If successful, your back-end should receive a set of base64 encoded tokens.

    id_token: '...',
    access_token: '...',
    refresh_token: '...',
    expires_in: 3600,
    token_type: 'Bearer'

Now, according to the documentation, your back-end should validate the JWT signature by:

  1. Decoding the ID token
  2. Comparing the local key ID (kid) to the public kid
  3. Using the public key to verify the signature using your JWT library.

Since AWS Cognito generates two pairs of RSA cryptograpic keys for each user pool, you need to figure out which key was used to encrypt the token.

Here's a NodeJS snippet that demonstrates verifying a JWT.

import jsonwebtoken from 'jsonwebtoken'
import jwkToPem from 'jwk-to-pem'

const jsonWebKeys = [  // from<UserPoolId>/.well-known/jwks.json
        "alg": "RS256",
        "e": "AQAB",
        "kid": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPabc/1A2B3CZ5x6y7MA56Cy+6ubf=",
        "kty": "RSA",
        "n": "...",
        "use": "sig"
        "alg": "RS256",
        "e": "AQAB",
        "kid": "XYZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/1A2B3CZ5x6y7MA56Cy+6abc=",
        "kty": "RSA",
        "n": "...",
        "use": "sig"

function validateToken(token) {
    const header = decodeTokenHeader(token);  // {"kid":"XYZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/1A2B3CZ5x6y7MA56Cy+6abc=", "alg": "RS256"}
    const jsonWebKey = getJsonWebKeyWithKID(header.kid);
    verifyJsonWebTokenSignature(token, jsonWebKey, (err, decodedToken) => {
        if (err) {
        } else {

function decodeTokenHeader(token) {
    const [headerEncoded] = token.split('.');
    const buff = new Buffer(headerEncoded, 'base64');
    const text = buff.toString('ascii');
    return JSON.parse(text);

function getJsonWebKeyWithKID(kid) {
    for (let jwk of jsonWebKeys) {
        if (jwk.kid === kid) {
            return jwk;
    return null

function verifyJsonWebTokenSignature(token, jsonWebKey, clbk) {
    const pem = jwkToPem(jsonWebKey);
    jsonwebtoken.verify(token, pem, {algorithms: ['RS256']}, (err, decodedToken) => clbk(err, decodedToken))
