Changing the Windows 7 same folder file copy naming pattern?

Solution 1:

I researched and find this answer :

With Supercopier, use Ctrl + click/drag to copy files.

SuperCopier Website

In Supercopier's Confuguration settings, go to "Copies & moves behaviour", and in "Old file renaming pattern" type "" and in "New file renaming pattern" type "Copy of ".

If you use just right-click and drag to make file copies, the context menu will give you the option to use Supercopier, but the default option is Windows' own copying.

However, if you use Ctrl + click/drag, it uses Supercopier to copy, and the copy is named according to your preference. If a file is copied using Ctrl + click/drag to another directory, the renaming pattern is not used -- the customised renaming is used only on files copied to the same directory.

Solution 2:

Without 3rd party software you can edit your registry to some effect (on Windows 8 and 10 too).

Add/edit the string value named CopyNameTemplate under:

Whereas the default value data is effectively %s - Copy, you would want %s_.

Enumeration is handled separately so unfortunately you would still see "foo_ (2).txt" and so on.