A fun, catchy way to say the opposite of a 'no-brainer'?

A no-brainer is "something that requires a minimum of thought" (Merriam-Webster). I could use some help with a catchy way of saying the opposite.

Sample sentence:

"I have to make a decision and it is definitely not a no-brainer, in fact, it's a real ___________."

I almost want to say, "...it's a real brainer." but that just sounds silly.

You could always say "...it's a difficult decision" but that's pretty bland.

Someone suggested brain-teaser in the comments, but I'm thinking of the context of a life decision like, "Should I accept this job?" or "Should I get married?" -- something of that order -- rather than a riddle.

I searched for 'antonyms of no-brainer' online but the first three hits came up empty.

Solution 1:


2 Informal (originally US). A perplexing problem or question; something which causes bafflement or puzzlement.


Although OED says that this term is originally AmE, it is certainly widely understood in BrE.

Solution 2:


Definition of conundrum, from Merriam-Webster. Only definition 2b, which I bolded, applies to your question, but conundrum is a fun word (at least IMO), and having three so different definitions adds piquancy to the word.

1a. riddle whose answer is or involves a pun (as in “Why didn't the lost hikers starve in the desert? Because of the sand which is there.”)

2a. a question or problem having only a conjectural answer •… the political conundrums involved, particularly the problem of how the richer areas … can be made to subsidize the poorer. — Douglass Cater

2b. an intricate and difficult problem •He is faced with the conundrum of trying to find a job without having experience.

If the OP insists on brain in the answer, this won't work.

Solution 3:


An extremely difficult question, task, or problem

Solution 4:

Brain Buster (N) A particularly difficult problem or puzzle.

See also: "Brain teaser", "Head scratcher", "puzzler", "quandary"(N. A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation. "X was in a quandary") and, of course, the other answers like "conundrum". (a favorite of mine)