Android: Launch activity from clickable text

Try this,

final Context context = ... // whereever your context is
CharSequence sequence = Html.fromSource(context.getString(R.string.clickable_string));
SpannableStringBuilder strBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(sequence);
UnderlineSpan[] underlines = strBuilder.getSpans(UnderlineSpan.class);
for(UnderlineSpan span : underlines) {
   int start = strBuilder.getSpanStart(span);
   int end = strBuilder.getSpanEnd(span);
   int flags = strBuilder.getSpanFlags(span);
   ClickableSpan myActivityLauncher = new ClickableSpan() {
     public void onClick(View view) {

   strBuilder.setSpan(myActivityLauncher, start, end, flags);

TextView textView = ...

Basically you have to attach a Span object to the range of characters you want to be clickable. Since you are using HTML anyways, you can use the underline spans placed by the Html.fromSource() as markers for your own spans.

Alternatively you could also define a Tag within the string that only you know of. i.e. <activity> And supply your own tag handler to the Html.fromSource() method. This way your TagHandler instance could do something like, surround the tagged text with a specific color, underline, bold and make it clickable. However I would only recommend the TagHandler approach if you find yourself writing this type of code a lot.

assign this string to one of your xml layout and then in your code get the id of TextView and then implement OnClickListener for this Textview,inside of it you can start your new activity you want.

Answered here Make parts of textview clickable (not url) I just made a modification if you want to use it with a HTML Message do the following In your Display function

public void displayText(String message) {

            Spannable clickableMessage = (Spannable) chapterTextView.getText();
            chapterTextView.setText(addClickablePart(clickableMessage), BufferType.SPANNABLE);

The Modified function of addClickablePart

private SpannableStringBuilder  addClickablePart(Spannable charSequence) {
        SpannableStringBuilder  ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder(charSequence);

        int idx1 = charSequence.toString().indexOf("(");
        int idx2 = 0;
        while (idx1 != -1) {
            idx2 = charSequence.toString().indexOf(")", idx1) + 1;

            final String clickString = charSequence.toString().substring(idx1, idx2);
            ssb.setSpan(new ClickableSpan() {

                public void onClick(View widget) {
                    Toast.makeText(getActivity(), clickString,
            }, idx1, idx2, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
            idx1 = charSequence.toString().indexOf("(", idx2);

        return ssb;

Hope this help someone.