How to change package name of an Android Application

My keystore is corrupt, therefore the Android Market is requiring me to rename the app and resubmit it. However, whenever I go to edit the package names in Manifest and throughout the files, it gives me tons of errors.

What's the proper way to change the application name?

There is a way to change the package name easily in Eclipse. Right click on your project, scroll down to Android Tools, and then click on Rename Application Package.

If you're using Eclipse, you could try these instructions from Android's developer site. They're specifically for the GestureBuilder sample but should apply to any application as far as I can tell:

[H]ere's how you could do this in Eclipse:

  1. Right-click on the package name (src/
  2. Select Refactor > Rename and change the name, for example to
  3. Open the manifest file. Inside the <manifest> tag, change the package name to
  4. Open each of the two Activity files and do Ctrl-Shift-O to add missing import packages, then save each file. Run the GestureBuilder application on the emulator.

Also, be sure you remembered to rename the package itself along with the references to it in the files. In Eclipse you can see the name of the package in the file explorer window/tree view on the left hand side. In my experience, Eclipse can sometimes be a little finnicky and unreliable with this (leaving behind stray references to the old package name, for example).

Here's how you could do this in Eclipse:

  1. Right-click on the package name (src/
  2. Select Refactor > Rename and change the name, for example to
  3. Open the manifest file. Inside the <manifest> tag, change the package name to
  4. Open each of the two Activity files and do Ctrl+Shift+O to add missing import packages, then save each file.
  5. Run the GestureBuilder application on the emulator.

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Update super easy way right click on your project... enter image description here