What's a positive term to describe small eyes?

You never hear someone saying "beautiful small eyes", "nice beady eyes" or "cute squinty eyes" (except, you do hear, "beautiful large eyes").

As far as I know, all the synonyms for small-shaped eyes seem to have a negative connotation to them.

Now, is there a rather positive or optimistic word for small eyes or eyes that are small in shape?

Anything along the lines of elfin or miniature can be construed as positive, I suppose:

"Her perfectly heart-shaped pixie-like face was bejeweled with the most exquisitely formed emerald green eyes...small, like the rest of her, but sparkling with quick wit and wisdom."

And to be clear, shape would almond, oval, round, etc. The size would be small, doll-like, miniature, tiny, etc. - none of which are necessarily negative.

Metaphor could be used to indicate smallness without saying so directly - e.g. "bright, lively, gimlet eyes that see everything" ... a gimlet is a tool for making small holes, so using this metaphor praises penetrating vision, and smallness comes along for the ride as a connotation.

Alternatively comparing them to gems "like two sparkling sapphires" (or emeralds, or diamonds or...) again smallness is a connotation since even valuable gems are generally small.