iptables not allowing mysql connections to aliased ips?

Solution 1:

Do the .184 or .196 hosts client hosts also have additional IP addresses in your the other subnet?

If you do a tcpdump -qn port 3306 and attempt and connect from one of those systems what do you see? Do you see the source address you expect? This is probably a simple routing issue.

When a system is making the route decision, it consults the route table. Route tables are a list that is always consulted in a specific order. The link routes for local networks are almost always the most preferred routes, and will be used before a route that uses a gateway(router). The default gateway is always the route that is used when no other route will applies. If a route a given route has a src defined, then that address will be preferred and most likely used when that route is being used. dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src 
default via dev eth0 

So given this example route table for a multi-homed system, anything destined for will come from, and anything destined for will come from