Good beginners material on Prolog [closed]

Solution 1:

  1. Adventure in Prolog Dennis Merritt | Springer Published in 1990, 186 pages

  2. An Introduction to Logic Programming through Prolog Michael Spivey | Prentice Hall Published in 2008, 258 pages

  3. Applications of Prolog Attila Csenki | BookBoon Published in 2009, 203 pages

  4. Artificial Intelligence through Prolog Neil C. Rowe | Prentice-Hall Published in 1988, 481 pages

  5. Building Expert Systems in Prolog Dennis Merritt | Amzi! inc. Published in 2000, 358 pages

  6. Learn Prolog Now! Patrick Blackburn, Johan Bos, Kristina Striegnitz | College Publications Published in 2006, 284 pages

  7. Logic, Programming and Prolog Ulf Nilsson, Jan Mauszynski | John Wiley & Sons Inc Published in 1995, 296 pages

  8. Natural Language Processing in Prolog Gerald Gazdar, Chris Mellish | Addison-Wesley Published in 1989, 519 pages

  9. Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis Fernando C. N. Pereira, Stuart M. Shieber | Center for the Study of Language and Inf Published in 2002, 204 pages

  10. Prolog Experiments in Discrete Mathematics, Logic, and Computability James Hein | Portland State University Published in 2009, 158 pages

  11. Prolog Programming: A First Course Paul Brna | Published in 1999

  12. Prolog Techniques Attila Csenki | BookBoon Published in 2009, 186 pages

  13. The First 10 Prolog Programming Contests Bart Demoen, Phuong-Lan Nguyen, Tom Schrijvers, Remko Troncon | Published in 2005, 161 pages

Solution 2:

Check out Learn Prolog Now!

This book is well-written, should be easy to read for beginners. It's available in printed form and also as a free online version. It is also relatively new (from 2003), which is not the case with many Prolog books out there.

Solution 3:

Once upon a time when I used Prolog I liked the book by Sterling & Shapiro, The Art of Prolog.

For advanced Prolog programming, especially w.r.t. efficiency, I recommend the Craft of Prolog by O'Keefe.

Solution 4:

Here's one book you may find useful: Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence by Ivan Bratko.

The first part is about Prolog, the second about AI algorithms and how to implement them in Prolog.

Solution 5:

Writing an Adventure Game in Prolog could also be a good way to learn.