Error Ubuntu 13.10 blackscreen [duplicate]

This is probably an issue with an Intel graphics chip and the nvidia packages someone made libopencv-dev depend on (at least, that was the issue for me).

You need to get a generic version of libopencl1, which can be had in the package ocl-icd-libopencl1. Just run the following:

sudo apt-get install ocl-icd-libopencl1

Then run: sudo apt-get autoremove ...which removes the packages that libopencv-dev depends on but which are now satisfied by the generic package you just installed.

If you rebooted before installing ocl-icd-libopencl1 and after installing libopencv-dev, your desktop is probably still messed up. If you see a blank black screen with your mouse pointer on it after following the steps above, re-install ubuntu-desktop and unity and reboot. Then, if you see a graphical desktop without Unity running, you will need to install the Compiz config tool:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins-extra

Reboot once again, then when you get to your Unity-free desktop, hit Ctrl-t to open a terminal and run:


This will start the Compiz settings manager. Find the Unity plugin button, click it, and re-enable it by checking the check box on the left. Voila! Unity lives again.

This is recorded at my blog. Hopefully the launchpad bug report on this fixes the issue, but if you get the time, you may run over there and make sure they know it effected you too.