How does one extract each folder name from a path?

Solution 1:

string mypath = @"..\folder1\folder2\folder2";
string[] directories = mypath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);

Edit: This returns each individual folder in the directories array. You can get the number of folders returned like this:

int folderCount = directories.Length;

Solution 2:

This is good in the general case:

yourPath.Split(@"\/", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)

There is no empty element in the returned array if the path itself ends in a (back)slash (e.g. "\foo\bar\"). However, you will have to be sure that yourPath is really a directory and not a file. You can find out what it is and compensate if it is a file like this:

if(Directory.Exists(yourPath)) {
  var entries = yourPath.Split(@"\/", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
else if(File.Exists(yourPath)) {
  var entries = Path.GetDirectoryName(yourPath).Split(
                    @"\/", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
else {
  // error handling

I believe this covers all bases without being too pedantic. It will return a string[] that you can iterate over with foreach to get each directory in turn.

If you want to use constants instead of the @"\/" magic string, you need to use

var separators = new char[] {

and then use separators instead of @"\/" in the code above. Personally, I find this too verbose and would most likely not do it.

Solution 3:

Realise this is an old post, but I came across it looking - in the end I decided apon the below function as it sorted what I was doing at the time better than any of the above:

private static List<DirectoryInfo> SplitDirectory(DirectoryInfo parent)
    if (parent == null) return null;
    var rtn = new List<DirectoryInfo>();
    var di = parent;

    while (di.Name != di.Root.Name)
    di = di.Parent;

    return rtn;