General expression for the role playing game phrase "Bad-Wrong-Fun"

Alternatively, are there other phrases that encompass the concept in other social settings?

Snob and related terms (snobbish, snobbery, etc.) are general terms for this kind of behavior:

3 a: one who tends to rebuff, avoid, or ignore those regarded as inferior b: one who has an offensive air of superiority in matters of knowledge or taste


You could also call this a form of elitism:

2 : the selectivity of the elite; especially : snobbery


Both of these terms are pejorative towards the person who is disdaining the entertainment or other social activity. If you want to be pejorative towards the participant, just drop the scare quotes on "proper."

I think it derives from Newspeak so I would call it such.

To communicate a greater degree, either of negativity or of positivity, requires affixing the prefix double to the other two prefixes to the root word good (doubleplusungood), as in the phrases "Big Brother is doubleplusgood" and "Emmanuel Goldstein is doubleplusungood".

"Bad wrong" is similar to the concept of "double plus". You could even flip it around and say a game you approve of is "goodrightfun".

It comes from the same mindset as the totalitarian regime of Ingsoc in George Orwell's 1984, and it has a similar word structure. The way I see it, when someone uses that word, they are implying that it's wrong to enjoy something like that for forced cultural reasons. Either the speaker or some group they're aware of would not approve of fun being had with a given game.