Proportional Mouse Movement across Multiple Monitors?

I have a MacBook Pro 2018 with Catalina (1920x1080px) and a 2nd external monitor (3440x1440px) arranged as below in Displays. I understand that there are scale options to change the resolutions but I don't want to actually scale them because then I lose screen width and height.

Currently the mouse can only move between the connected edges of the two screens. It stops if I try to move it down on the right half of the larger screen.

What I would like to do is move the mouse proportionally so the mouse can move smoothly between the screens without stopping one half. I could see this working two ways

  1. The simpler solution would be for the mouse to consider the last 1520 pixels of the larger screen to be all above the edge of the smaller screen so if you move down, the mouse just moves to the right side of the smaller screen. (I feel like this is simpler anyway, no idea)
  2. The other better solution would be for the mouse to associate every 1.79 pixel column with a pixel column below. This way when you move down at pixel 1790 on the large screen, it ends up at pixel 1000 on the small screen.

Are there any apps or tools that can accomplish either or both options?

Mac Displays with one large 3440x1440 screen on top of a smaller 1920x1080 screen

As an example, here are two Windows apps that seems similar to what I want:

  • MouseTrap
  • LittleBigMouse.

So at the very least, this seems possible

Solution 1:

Try cursr, it's new, probably more features coming out soon, I've been using it on mac, works so far.

You can also request new features, it has link to git in 'issues' section at the bottom. Small downside is that it's larger in size (but on desktop I dont see it as an issue), but that's entirely due to it being built with electron, for cross-platform support.