"elseif" syntax in JavaScript

How can I achieve an elseif in a JavaScript condition?

Solution 1:

In JavaScript's if-then-else there is technically no elseif branch.

But it works if you write it this way:

if (condition) {

} else if (other_condition) {

} else {


To make it obvious what is really happening you can expand the above code using an additional pair of { and }:

if (condition) {

} else {

   if (other_condition) {

   } else {



In the first example we're using some implicit JS behavior about {} uses. We can omit these curly braces if there is only one statement inside. Which is the case in this construct, because the inner if-then-else only counts as one statment. The truth is that those are 2 nested if-statements. And not an if-statement with 2 branches, as it may appear on first sight.

This way it resembles the elseif that is present in other languages.

It is a question of style and preference which way you use it.

Solution 2:

Just add a space:

if (...) {

} else if (...) {

} else {


Solution 3:

You could use this syntax which is functionally equivalent:

switch (true) {
  case condition1:
     //e.g. if (condition1 === true)
  case condition2:
     //e.g. elseif (condition2 === true)
     //e.g. else

This works because each condition is fully evaluated before comparison with the switch value, so the first one that evaluates to true will match and its branch will execute. Subsequent branches will not execute, provided you remember to use break.

Note that strict comparison is used, so a branch whose condition is merely "truthy" will not be executed. You can cast a truthy value to true with double negation: !!condition.

Solution 4:

Actually, technically when indented properly, it would be:

if (condition) {
} else {
    if (condition) {
    } else {

There is no else if, strictly speaking.

(Update: Of course, as pointed out, the above is not considered good style.)

Solution 5:

if ( 100 < 500 ) {
   //any action
else if ( 100 > 500 ){
   //any another action

Easy, use space