No ~/.vim folder in ubuntu 13.04 where to go for it

I am trying to install different plug-ins in vim. I have installed vim using sudo apt-get install vim. But the downloaded files for these plug-ins need to be placed in ~/.vim folder. But there is no such folder. I've found a vim folder in /etc and also in /usr/share directories. Which one to use..??

Solution 1:

You can copy the plugins in the /etc/vim folder, if you want them to be available for all users:

sudo cp -rv /route/to/nameoftheplugin /etc/vim/

Or, if you only need them for your use, just create the vim directory in your home:

mkdir ~/.vim

Then to open that folder, just type:

nautilus ~/.vim

Solution 2:

Just create it,

mkdir ~/.vim

and then move the plug-in files to said folder.