Shortcut to collapse a paragraph/outline in OneNote?

This describes a way to collapse outlines with the mouse. Is this possible to do with keyboard only?


enter image description here

It's not possible to change this shortcuts in onenote 2013 (you can change them in word 2013). You can however, use autohotey, to "change" them. I use this ahk script for example:

^Down::Send !+{+}
^Up::Send !+-

This maps Ctrl+Up and Crtl+Down to collapsing and expanding outlines.

Back in the days, these where Alt+_ (Underscore) to collapse and Alt++. Because the Ribbon has been added, these now require an additional Shift press, thus:

  • Alt+Shift+_ (Underscore) to Collapse

  • Alt+Shift++ to Expand

Source: Dummies - How to Use Word 2010's Outline View (This would also apply to OneNote)