HylaFax - Get status of a job

Solution 1:

I know about faxstat -d, but it's a report for all jobs and i can't fetch that on php side.

Sure you can. You have a couple options: system and exec.

Use one of those to run the faxstat command in combination with grep, and you should be able to get the data you want. Alternatively, suck in all of faxstat's output into a php variable, and then parse out the data you're looking for.

Solution 2:

The file in /var/spool/hylafax/doneq/q$job_id, where $job_id is your job #, is more descriptive. See here: http://hylafax.sourceforge.net/man/doneq.php

Files in the doneq directory specify completed transmission job requests. These files are created by hfaxd(8C), when submitting a job on behalf of sendfax(1) or sendpage(1). Job description files also reside in the sendq directory; they are moved from there to the doneq directory by faxq(8C) when a job completes.