Trying to understand CMTime and CMTimeMake

1) CMTimeMake(1,10) means duration of 1 second and timescale of 10, or 10 frames per second. This means 1s duration of video with 10 frames?


CMTime lastTime=CMTimeMake(1,10);
CMTime frameTime=CMTimeMake(1, 10);
CMTime currentTime=CMTimeAdd(lastTime, frameTime)

= (2, 10) ?

2 seconds of video and with 10 frames per second of the currentTime?

Solution 1:

1) CMTimeMake(1,10) actually means a value of 1 and a timescale of 10. They are a numerator and denominator, so it is 1/10 of a second, not 1 second.

2) The result will be like CMTimeMake(2, 10), which is 2/10ths of a second.

Solution 2:

Peter is right. The following code makes the concept more clear:


Float64 seconds = 5; 
int32_t preferredTimeScale = 600;
CMTime inTime = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(seconds, preferredTimeScale);

The above code gives: {3000/600 = 5.000}

Which means a total duration of 5 seconds, with 3000 frames with a timescale of 600 frames per second.


int64_t value = 10000;
int32_t preferredTimeScale = 600;
CMTime inTime = CMTimeMake(value, preferredTimeScale);

This one gives {10000/600 = 16.667}

Which means a total duration of 16.667 seconds, with 10000 frames with a timescale of 600 frames per second.

Notice the difference between CMTimeMake(int64_t value, int32_t timescale) and CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(Float64 seconds, int32_t preferredTimeScale)

Hope this explanation helps. For further clarifications, please don't hesitate to post further questions on this post.