How to install a Notepad++ plugin offline?

Solution 1:

Here are the steps that worked for me:

  1. Download the plugin and extract the plugin dll file.
  2. Place the plugin.dll file under plugin folder of notepad++ installation. For me it was : C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins
  3. Start Notepad++ as an elevated administrator and then go to: Settings -> Import -> Import plugin (import the plugin).
  4. Notepad++ will show the restart message / Sometimes it may not show it.
  5. Restart the notepad++.
  6. Should see new plugin under the Plugins menu. ALL DONE!!

Solution 2:

It's worth noting that the exact steps to follow can differ depending on the plugin. (E.g. I've just manually installed XML Tools and this involved copying some files from a subfolder into the root Notepad++ installation directory.) So would recommend the following:-

  1. Download the plugin you wish to install. A comprehensive list is provided at Notepad++ Plugin Central.
  2. Extract to a local folder (e.g. using 7-Zip or similar).
  3. Look in the extracted files and folders for any readme files or specific instructions to be followed - and then follow them. In case there aren't any instructions, the one thing that must be done for all plugins is to copy the .DLL file into the plugins folder within your Notepad++ installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins\).

Solution 3:

For me the C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins does not work.

I have to put plugins into the following directory: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Notepad++\plugins


There is a feature from NPP-v7.6.4 to open plugin folder:

Plugins -> Open Plugins Folder...

Solution 4:

My frustration in being unable to get a plugin for Notepad++ to work came from not realizing that the DLL for the plugin had to be installed directly in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins directory, and NOT into a subfolder below that, named for the plugin.

I was misled because every OTHER plugin that comes with the clean installation of Notepad++ IS installed in its own subfolder under \plugins.

   ├ DSpellCheck
   ├ MIME Tools
   └ Converter (etc.)

I tried that with the plugin I was attempting to install (autosave), and just couldn't get it to work. But then thanks to an answer from Steve Chambers above, I tried putting the DLL directly into the \plugins folder and PRESTO! It Works.

Hope this helps save someone else similar frustrations!

Solution 5:

In v7.7, I had to go to Plugins menu and select "Open Plugins Folder..." (which goes to C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins).

I had to create a folder for the plugin and extract the .dll into the folder. For example, create a folder called "JSMinNPP" and place the "JSMinNPP.dll" in that folder. It doesn't work if you put the dll into the plugins folder.

Finally go to Settings --> Import --> Import plugin(s) and import that dll and restart Notepad++.