Search and Replace Entire Project (Netbeans)

Is there a way to do a project wide search and replace in netbeans? It seems like there should be, but I can not find any information on it.


Under the Edit menu you should find a menu item for Replace in Projects...

If you click on the project in the projects pane.

Then press and hold Ctrl+Shift+H

A find and replace window will come up where you can specify what you would like to find and what to replace it with. You can use regular expressions and then after you search you can walk through all the results in the different files that are returned.

Go to Edit Menu -> you will find Find in Projects and Replace in Projects Option:


Ctrl+Shift+F for Find in whole project.

Ctrl+Shift+H for Replace in whole project.

You have to make "Replace in Projects" search as offered by NetBeans, and operate in search results windows further on. There is a "replace" button in the icons strip on the left of the search windows; select all search results (or just some of them you feel appropriate) and click that icon. You might have to wait a while if there are many files you are working with.