Android WebView leaves space for scrollbar

In my WebView, I have some block elements that have a background color (different than white). However, the background color does not go all the way across the sky.. um, screen. Instead, it leaves a small white strip to the right, for where the scrollbar would go. Now, I want the scrollbars to appear only when scrolling (and fade away once the user has finished scrolling). I tried:

android:scrollbarStyle="insideOverlay" (and all other options)

Also, my HTML contains the following in <head>:

<meta name="viewport" content="target-densitydpi=device-dpi" />

So that it doesn't allow zooming and doesn't zoom out by default.

However, I can't figure out how to get rid of the white strip. Any ideas?

Battled this one as well. Found the answer here.

Looks like you were dead on with android:scrollbarStyle="insideOverlay", except that because of some bug it doesn't function right when defined in XML. It works right if you use:



public void setVerticalScrollbarOverlay (boolean overlay)

Since: API Level 1
Specify whether the vertical scrollbar has overlay style.
overlay TRUE if vertical scrollbar should have overlay style.