How to prevent mouse settings from resetting after reboot?
Every time I reboot my machine the Enhance pointer precision setting for my mouse gets resets to "unchecked".
I used to have similar issues in the past (with Logitech mice) but I don't remember how I solved it.
I have a Microsoft mouse now and this just started happening a few weeks ago. Now every time i reboot I have to go the the mouse setting and check the "Enhance pointer precision" (Control Panel --> Mouse)
Most online solutions seem to be geared towards the Logitech mice and the removal of KHALMNPR from MSCONFIG:startup. This particular program does not even appear in the Startup list in my case. (Might be related to Logitech).
I already tried uninstalling the mouse software and drivers completely, downloading newest version and re-installing but it does not make any difference. I also tried unchecking and checking back on MSCONFIG:Startup Microsoft IntelliPoint and Microsoft IntelliType Pro.
Not sure what alse I should try. Solution would be much appreciated.
OS: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
Mouse: Microsoft "Natural" Wireless Laser Mouse 6000
Battery is at 95%, Wireless signal @ High
Mysteriously, the latest Windows updates seems to have resolved this problem. This now seems to work with no issues.