How to use terminal from Krusader?

When I try to run the "Start Terminal Here" command I get Error executing

konsole --workdir %d!

On the net I found that the reason is that I have konsole is not installed, but I don't have root access and I can't install here anything. I tried putting


but the console is not being shown and nothing happens.

What can I do?

I want to start terminal from current location opened in Krusader.

Solution 1:

gnome-terminal --working-directory %d

Solution 2:

To use Konsole (KDE terminal):

sudo apt-get install konsole

To use Gnome terminal - alter Krusader settings:
Under General

gnome-terminal --working-directory %d

Under User Actions

gnome-terminal --working-directory %d --name %t -e

To emulate Konsole --noclose parameter in Gnome terminal - open a new gnome-terminal, navigate to Edit -> Profile settings. Click on the "Title and Command" tab. Change "exit the terminal" to "hold the terminal open".

Solution 3:

Go to System Settings panel, there, in "Default Application" you can set you preferred console app.

Solution 4:

Terminal (Konsole) starts in Applications | System . Try to run the terminal outside krusader, this will tell you if it's a larger problem than krusader.

In krusader; [settings | configure krusader ]

Under General;

konsole --workdir %d

and under User Actions

konsole --noclose --workdir %d --title %t -e

Solution 5:

Looks like you forgot to install the konsole package. Try this:

sudo apt-get install konsole