How can I hide the unread counter from Outlook 2011 Dock icon?

I find the unread counter on Microsoft Outlook 2011 for Mac distracting. Whenever it's there I feel the need to click on it. How can I hide the unread count? provides an option to disable it, I'm hoping there is a setting in Outlook too.

Outlook 2011 dock icon

Deselecting "Badge app icon" in Notifications Center preferences worked for me (Outlook 2016 for Mac).

deselected checkbox for badge app icon in notifications center

Previous answer does work now for outlook 2016. Outlook 2016 is present in the Notifications center where the badge can be disabled.

If you are using Mac OS 10.8 Have a look in the notifications menu by clicking the apple button in the top left and then choosing 'System Preferences' and then choose 'Notifications' and you will be able to disable the red badge icon from there.

Check out the link below for more info.

You can set up a rule to mark all of your incoming mail as read. If there's never any unread mail, there's never a count in the dock.

This works for me, since I do inbox zero and don't have much mail in my inbox. It might not be a good solution for everyone.

To set this up, go to Outlook > Preferences > Rules. Then add a new rule, as shown here.

Rule to mark all mail as read

I was able to hide the unread count by opening Notifications in System Preferences and under Microsoft Outlook I de-selected the Badge app icon setting.