zsh man page documentation missing in packages?

I have a newly installed xubuntu 13.10 x64. I decided to install zsh via synaptic and make it my default shell. The installed zsh's version is: zsh 5.0.2 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu).

The installed zsh looks ok, but there seems to be no man documentation for zsh. Entering the command man zsh gives me this: No manual entry for zsh.

I have also installed from synaptic, aside from zsh itself, zsh-lovers, zsh-doc, zsh-dbg. What did I miss in my zsh install to end up with zsh with no man documentation?

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, this is a bug affecting Ubuntu 13.10 and 14.04:

Bug #1242108: all zsh manpages are missing

It looks like the only thing we can do about it right now is to get the man pages from the source. Get the appropriate version of the source code from sourceforge (for Ubuntu 14.04 you need version 5.0.2, otherwise check using zsh --version) then extract and copy them into place with:

tar xvf zsh-5.0.2.tar.bz2 zsh-5.0.2/Doc/
sudo cp zsh-5.0.2/Doc/*.1 /usr/share/man/man1/

Solution 2:

Until this bug is fixed so that the package automatically contains the man pages, you can use

sudo apt-get install zsh/trusty-backports

to install the zsh version from Ubuntu Backports.