Typescript async/await doesnt update AngularJS view
I'm using Typescript 2.1(developer version) to transpile async/await to ES5.
I've noticed that after I change any property which is bound to view in my async function the view isn't updated with current value, so each time I have to call $scope.$apply() at the end of function.
Example async code:
async testAsync() {
await this.$timeout(2000);
this.text = "Changed";
//$scope.$apply(); <-- would like to omit this
And new text
value isn't shown in view after this.
Is there any workaround so I don't have to manually call $scope.$apply() every time?
Solution 1:
The answers here are correct in that AngularJS does not know about the method so you need to 'tell' Angular about any values that have been updated.
Personally I'd use $q
for asynchronous behaviour instead of using await
as its "The Angular way".
You can wrap non Angular methods with $q quite easily i.e. [Note this is how I wrap all Google Maps functions as they all follow this pattern of passing in a callback to be notified of completion]
function doAThing()
var defer = $q.defer();
// Note that this method takes a `parameter` and a callback function
someMethod(parameter, (someValue) => {
return defer.promise;
You can then use it like so
this.doAThing().then(someValue => {
this.memberValue = someValue;
However if you do wish to continue with await
there is a better way than using $apply
, in this case, and that it to use $digest
. Like so
async testAsync() {
await this.$timeout(2000);
this.text = "Changed";
$scope.$digest(); <-- This is now much faster :)
is better in this case because $scope.$apply
will perform dirty checking (Angulars method for change detection) for all bound values on all scopes, this can be expensive performance wise - especially if you have many bindings. $scope.$digest
will, however, only perform checking on bound values within the current $scope
making it much more performant.
Solution 2:
This can be conveniently done with angular-async-await
class SomeController {
constructor($async) {
this.testAsync = $async(this.testAsync.bind(this));
async testAsync() { ... }
As it can be seen, all it does is wrapping promise-returning function with a wrapper that calls $rootScope.$apply()
There is no reliable way to trigger digest automatically on async
function, doing this would result in hacking both the framework and Promise
implementation. There is no way to do this for native async
function (TypeScript es2017
target), because it relies on internal promise implementation and not Promise
global. More importantly, this way would be unacceptable because this is not a behaviour that is expected by default. A developer should have full control over it and assign this behaviour explicitly.
Given that testAsync
is being called multiple times, and the only place where it is called is testsAsync
, automatic digest in testAsync
end would result in digest spam. While a proper way would be to trigger a digest once, after testsAsync
In this case $async
would be applied only to testsAsync
and not to testAsync
class SomeController {
constructor($async) {
this.testsAsync = $async(this.testsAsync.bind(this));
private async testAsync() { ... }
async testsAsync() {
await Promise.all([this.testAsync(1), this.testAsync(2), ...]);
Solution 3:
I have examined the code of angular-async-await and It seems like they are using $rootScope.$apply()
to digest the expression after the async promise is resolved.
This is not a good method. You can use AngularJS original $q
and with a little trick, you can achieve the best performance.
First, create a function ( e.g., factory, method)
// inject $q ...
const resolver=(asyncFunc)=>{
const deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
Now, you can use it in your for instance services.
return resolver(async()=>{
const userInfo=await fetch(...);
const userAddress= await fetch (...);
return {userInfo,userAddress};
This is as efficient as using AngularJS $q
and with minimal code.
Solution 4:
As @basarat said the native ES6 Promise
doesn't know about the digest cycle.
What you could do is let Typescript use $q
service promise instead of the native ES6 promise.
That way you won't need to invoke $scope.$apply()
.run(['$window', '$q', ($window, $q) => {
$window.Promise = $q;
Solution 5:
I've set up a fiddle showcasing the desired behavior. It can be seen here: Promises with AngularJS. Please note that it's using a bunch of Promises which resolve after 1000ms, an async function, and a Promise.race and it still only requires 4 digest cycles (open the console).
I'll reiterate what the desired behavior was:
- to allow the usage of async functions just like in native JavaScript; this means no other 3rd party libraries, like
- to automatically trigger the minimum number of digest cycles
How was this achieved?
In ES6 we've received an awesome featured called Proxy. This object is used to define custom behavior for fundamental operations (e.g. property lookup, assignment, enumeration, function invocation, etc).
This means that we can wrap the Promise into a Proxy which, when the promise gets resolved or rejected, triggers a digest cycle, only if needed. Since we need a way to trigger the digest cycle, this change is added at AngularJS run time.
function($rootScope) {
function triggerDigestIfNeeded() {
// $applyAsync acts as a debounced funciton which is exactly what we need in this case
// in order to get the minimum number of digest cycles fired.
// This principle can be used with other native JS "features" when we want to integrate
// then with AngularJS; for example, fetch.
Promise = new Proxy(Promise, {
// We are interested only in the constructor function
construct(target, argumentsList) {
return (() => {
const promise = new target(...argumentsList);
// The first thing a promise does when it gets resolved or rejected,
// is to trigger a digest cycle if needed
promise.then((value) => {
return value;
}, (reason) => {
return reason;
return promise;
Since async functions
rely on Promises to work, the desired behavior was achieved with just a few lines of code. As an additional feature, one can use native Promises into AngularJS!
Later edit: It's not necessary to use Proxy as this behavior can be replicated with plain JS. Here it is:
Promise = ((Promise) => {
const NewPromise = function(fn) {
const promise = new Promise(fn);
promise.then((value) => {
return value;
}, (reason) => {
return reason;
return promise;
// Clone the prototype
NewPromise.prototype = Promise.prototype;
// Clone all writable instance properties
for (const propertyName of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Promise)) {
const propertyDescription = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Promise, propertyName);
if (propertyDescription.writable) {
NewPromise[propertyName] = Promise[propertyName];
return NewPromise;
})(Promise) as any;