Any free way to transfer pictures from an iPhone X to any other PC via wifi

Solution 1:

There are several ways to transfer files between an iOS device and a PC for free.

  • Cloud storage like iCloud, OneDrive, DropBox, etc.; with these services, there is a “free tier” where you have a specified amount of storage space, usually 5GB.

    • If it must be completely free, you can sync files 5GB a time. Files are copied to the shared folder, sync’ed, between the cloud, the device and your PC, then moved from the PC’s sync’ed folder to another one that’s s not synced.

    • If you are willing to spend $1 with Apple, you can do this at 50GB a time For $2 with OneDrive you can do this at 100GB at a time. Simply cancel the upgraded storage at then end of the month.

  • SMB file sharing. You didn’t mention which OS you’re using on your PC, so assuming Windows, you can use file sharing to create a shared folder on the PC then with the native Files App, connect to that share and copy the files over.

  • Free file sync apps like GoodSync Explorer. There are many different ones, I selected this particular one for the high ratings and the fact it can turn your iOS device into a “server” and you can access your files via a web browser. I’m not affiliated not have I used it personally (no need)

With a little creativity and patience, you can transfer your files via WiFi. As for “free apps” like GoodSync, I’m not a fan because nothing is free; or more colloquially, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. What are you giving up to in exchange for that developer creating a program? Usually it’s your private data. Personally, I would spend a few dollars to do this securely and conveniently.

Now all that said, how “overloaded” is this PC that iTunes won’t load but your willing to store your data on it? I suggest attending to that PC first, then using iTunes, sync your filed via USB because it’s significantly faster and more reliable. I say this, because it sounds like you’re not backing up your iPhone at all and you should be backing it up in some way.