Keyboard is too stiff for me - any way to make it looser?

Solution 1:

I feel that the keyboard of Mac (or here my main focus is actually MBP) is too stiff.

There is no reasonable way you can change the stiffness of a MacBooks keyboard. However depending on the model of the MacBook, the tactile feedback could differ. While the keyboard typing feel could argued to be subjective, a general perception is that the new Butterfly keyboards introduced in Late 2019 16" MacBook Pro and then eventually in the newer 2020 13" MacBook Pro and 2020 MacBook Air are easier to type on.

So if you are using one of the older MacBooks, you can consider buying a new one after you give the new Butterfly keyboard a try in a store.

Alternatively, you can also consider getting an external keyboard where you pick one as per your exact liking.

Solution 2:

Attempting to modify any MacBook keyboard is a costly mistake in my opinion and experience. Do anything but this.

  • Run a Dell / HP / Microsoft and remote in for occasional macOS use
  • Run an external keyboard if you need macOS - bluetooth is very good now, as is wired compatibility
  • Get a Chromebook

When you break the scissors or butterfly, spare parts are expensive or low fidelity. Topcase repair is costly as batteries are integral and you can’t really get to the bottom of the keyboard without destroying your battery that also is expensive or low fidelity third party options when damaged.

Try to figure if you can let go of disappointment and enjoy a Mac or you have to take a stand and avoid Apple. I believe that changing the nature of the keyboard will be harder and less productive than changing your requirements or expectations.