Google Drive File Stream folders are missing

I received the following procedure from Google Cloud Support and it seems to have fixed the problem for me.

  1. Go to Drive File Stream icon on the menu bar > gear icon > Pause Syncing
  2. Then, Drive File Stream > gear icon > Preferences > Disconnect Account
  3. Next, Drive File Stream > gear icon > Quit
  4. Fine the cache folder: Finder > Go menu > Go to Folder > paste ~/Library/Application Support/Google/DriveFS
  5. Delete the folder DriveFS
  6. Drag the app Drive File Stream to the trash
  7. Restart the Mac
  8. Reinstall Drive File Stream
  9. Go to Drive File Stream > gear icon > About, and verify that Version:

This worked for me but seems very elaborate. Hopefully they will come up with a better way in the future.

I just discovered after a lot of try and error that if my folders ends with a space character (ex: "COMPTA ") then it did not show up on my mac.

This is a strange bug as it was working on my old mac but it's now easy to reproduce on my mbpro M1.