tableview cell how do we resize cell in swift along with image and label
Give constrain to your lable hight greater equal and put line to 0.
var pickheight: CGFloat = 0.0
Write this line in
override func viewDidLoad() {
tableTrip.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension
Method for increase tableview cell .
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat {
pickheight = self.findHeightForText("Pass your text here like array value as String ", havingWidth: self.view.frame.size.width - 116, andFont: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0)).height
return "YOUR_DEFALUT_CELL_SIZE" + pickheight
Method for find text hight for cell..
func findHeightForText(text: String, havingWidth widthValue: CGFloat, andFont font: UIFont) -> CGSize {
var size = CGSizeZero
if text.isEmpty == false {
let frame = text.boundingRectWithSize(CGSizeMake(widthValue, CGFloat.max), options: .UsesLineFragmentOrigin, attributes: [NSFontAttributeName: font], context: nil)
size = CGSizeMake(frame.size.width, ceil(frame.size.height))
return size
- set top,bottom,leading,trailing constraints for your label
- set Attribute Inspector->lines to 0
- set tableview.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension in viewDidLoad() method