How can I hide the decoration of maximized windows?
I just added the Window Buttons applet to my panel, but it seems that the Hide Compiz decorations for maximized windows feature no longer works after my upgrade to Natty. Is there another way to achieve the same effect in Compiz?
To do it with compiz
Install compiz config settings manager
sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
- Warning: What are some of the issues with CCSM and why would I want to avoid it?
In CCSM select window decorations
Change decoration windows from
to!(state=maxhorz and state=maxvert)
Although this isn't done with Compiz, it is along the lines of what I was aiming for.
Install Maximus:
sudo apt-get install maximus
Add it as a start-up application
- Log-out, log-in.