how to run stickies ONLY on desktop space 1

I enjoy using Stickies on Desktop 1. However, when I switch to Desktop 2 I'd like to have no screen clutter whatsoever.

I can't find a right click option that allows me to Open stickies only on Desktop 1 space. It seems that whatever option changes I make to stickies, in Desktop 1 or Desktop x, the stickies then uses that option for all desktops.

I'm running Catalina OS, stickies version 10.2

  1. Open Stickies on the Desktop you want the app to only show on. Or, if it's already open, change to the Desktop you want to app to only show on.
  2. Right-click (or control-click) its Dock Tile
  3. Mouse over: Options
  4. Under Assign To, click: This Desktop, or if you already have numbered Desktops showing, then select the one you want it to only show on.

enter image description here

The image above is from a default install with additional Desktops added but having never selected a specific one for an app yet. You may see menu entries e.g. Desktop 1, Desktop 2, etc.