How to store token in Local or Session Storage in Angular 2?

Save to local storage

localStorage.setItem('currentUser', JSON.stringify({ token: token, name: name }));

Load from local storage

var currentUser = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser'));
var token = currentUser.token; // your token

For more I suggest you go through this tutorial: Angular 2 JWT Authentication Example & Tutorial

That totally depends of what do you need exactly. If you just need to store and retrieve a token in order to use it in your http requests, i suggest you to simply create a service and use it in your whole project.

example of basic integration:

import {Injectable} from 'angular@core'

export class TokenManager {

    private tokenKey:string = 'app_token';

    private store(content:Object) {
        localStorage.setItem(this.tokenKey, JSON.stringify(content));

    private retrieve() {
        let storedToken:string = localStorage.getItem(this.tokenKey);
        if(!storedToken) throw 'no token found';
        return storedToken;

    public generateNewToken() {
        let token:string = '...';//custom token generation;
        let currentTime:number = (new Date()).getTime() + ttl;{ttl: currentTime, token});

    public retrieveToken() {

        let currentTime:number = (new Date()).getTime(), token = null;
        try {
            let storedToken = JSON.parse(this.retrieve());
            if(storedToken.ttl < currentTime) throw 'invalid token found';
            token = storedToken.token;
        catch(err) {
        return token;



However if you need to use the local storage more often, by using the stored values in your app views for example. You can use one of the libraries that provides a wrapper of the webstorages like you did with angular2-localstorage.

I created some months ago ng2-webstorage that should respond to your needs. It provides two ng2 services and two decorators to sync the webstorage's values and the service/component's attributes.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {LocalStorageService, LocalStorage} from 'ng2-webstorage';

    selector: 'foo',
    template: `
        <section><input type="text" [(ngModel)]="attribute"/></section>
        <section><button (click)="saveValue()">Save</button></section>
export class FooComponent {

    boundValue; // attribute bound to the localStorage

    constructor(private storage:LocalStorageService) {
        this.localSt.observe('boundValue')// triggers the callback each time a new value is set
            .subscribe((newValue) => console.log('new value', newValue));

    saveValue() {'boundValue', this.value); // store the given value


we can store session storage like that

store token should be like

 localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify({ token: token, username: username }));

Store Session in to sessionStorage

You can store both string and array into session storage

String Ex.

    let key = 'title'; 
    let value = 'session';
    sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);

Array Ex.

    let key = 'user'; 
    let value = [{'name':'shail','email':'[email protected]'}];

    value = JSON.stringify(value);

    sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);

Get stored session from sessionStorage by key

const session = sessionStorage.getItem('key');

Delete saved session from sessionStorage by key


Delete all saved sessions from sessionStorage

  1. store Local storage should be like

Store items in to localStorage

You can store both string and array into location storage

String Ex.

 let key = 'title'; 
 let value = 'session';
 localStorage.setItem(key, value);

Array Ex.

let key = 'user'; 
let value = [{'name':'shail','email':'[email protected]'}];

value = JSON.stringify(value);

localStorage.setItem(key, value);

Get stored items from localStorage by key

const item = localStorage.getItem('key');

Delete saved session from localStorage by key


Delete all saved items from localStorage


As a general rule, the token should not be stored on the localStorage neither the sessionStorage. Both places are accessible from JS and the JS should not care about the authentication token.

IMHO The token should be stored on a cookie with the HttpOnly and Secure flag as suggested here: