Transparent background of Vim editor within the xfce-4 terminal
I made mine transparent in gnome-terminal (and I'm guessing this will work for xfce-4 too)
I'm using Molokai theme (the 256 colour version).
I just had to change one line.
hi Normal ctermfg=252 ctermbg=233
(my version, with transparent background):
hi Normal ctermfg=252 ctermbg=none
In the Terminal Preferences dialog, the Appearance tab has a "Transparent background" option to make the window transparent. If you found this option and set it appropriately, I can think of two reasons that it might not be working for you:
1) You might be using gvim instead of console vim within the terminal. If Vim opens up a new window, then you're using gvim instead of console vim.
2) You might have a vim colorscheme that explicitly sets white or black as the background color. It's unusual to have a misbehaving color scheme like this, so I don't think it's likely.
I think it's most likely that you're actually using gvim instead of console vim.