What is needed for 'Previous Versions' to be visible on the client OS?

I have servers with Shadow Copies enabled taking snapshots a couple times a day. From the server, if you look at the local devices you can see the Previous Versions being populated reliably. But from remote clients, the ability for an end-user to see the Previous Versions seems to be very hit-or-miss.

For the sake of this question you can assume that all my clients are Windows 7 and the Servers are Windows Server 2008 R2.

Is there an exhaustive list of everything that is required for end user to see Previous Versions? Are their any requirements for a certain level of share or filesystem permissions, other then read access? Does something need to be open on the firewall, other then what is already in-place for normal Windows networking?

Solution 1:

Make sure administrative shares are available. You can check using this KB Article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/842715/en-us

(Reviewers: It's too much to post it all here, so i'm just posting the link)

Solution 2:

Previous versions are not shown if you are accessing the share through DFS in certain configs such as nested DFS links. More here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2466048