Android ListView Divider

Solution 1:

Folks, here's why you should use 1px instead of 1dp or 1dip: if you specify 1dp or 1dip, Android will scale that down. On a 120dpi device, that becomes something like 0.75px translated, which rounds to 0. On some devices, that translates to 2-3 pixels, and it usually looks ugly or sloppy

For dividers, 1px is the correct height if you want a 1 pixel divider and is one of the exceptions for the "everything should be dip" rule. It'll be 1 pixel on all screens. Plus, 1px usually looks better on hdpi and above screens

"It's not 2012 anymore" edit: you may have to switch over to dp/dip starting at a certain screen density

Solution 2:

This is a workaround, but works for me:

Created res/drawable/divider.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <gradient android:startColor="#ffcdcdcd" android:endColor="#ffcdcdcd" android:angle="270.0" />

And in styles.xml for listview item, I added the following lines:

    <item name="android:divider">@drawable/divider</item>
    <item name="android:dividerHeight">1px</item>

Crucial part was to include this 1px setting. Of course, drawable uses gradient (with 1px) and that's not the optimal solution. I tried using stroke but didn't get it to work. (You don't seem to use styles, so just add android:dividerHeight="1px" attribute for the ListView.

Solution 3:

Add android:dividerHeight="1px" and it will work:
