Is a GUID unique 100% of the time?

Is a GUID unique 100% of the time?

Will it stay unique over multiple threads?

While each generated GUID is not guaranteed to be unique, the total number of unique keys (2128 or 3.4×1038) is so large that the probability of the same number being generated twice is very small. For example, consider the observable universe, which contains about 5×1022 stars; every star could then have 6.8×1015 universally unique GUIDs.

From Wikipedia.

These are some good articles on how a GUID is made (for .NET) and how you could get the same guid in the right situation.


If you are scared of the same GUID values then put two of them next to each other.

Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

If you are too paranoid then put three.

The simple answer is yes.

Raymond Chen wrote a great article on GUIDs and why substrings of GUIDs are not guaranteed unique. The article goes in to some depth as to the way GUIDs are generated and the data they use to ensure uniqueness, which should go to some length in explaining why they are :-)

As a side note, I was playing around with Volume GUIDs in Windows XP. This is a very obscure partition layout with three disks and fourteen volumes.

\\?\Volume{23005604-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (F:)
\\?\Volume{23005605-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (G:)
\\?\Volume{23005606-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (H:)
\\?\Volume{23005607-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (J:)
\\?\Volume{23005608-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (D:)
\\?\Volume{23005609-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (P:)
\\?\Volume{2300560b-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (K:)
\\?\Volume{2300560c-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (L:)
\\?\Volume{2300560d-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (M:)
\\?\Volume{2300560e-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (N:)
\\?\Volume{2300560f-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (O:)
\\?\Volume{23005610-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (E:)
\\?\Volume{23005611-eb1b-11de-85ba-806d6172696f}\ (R:)
                                     | | | | |
                                     | | | | +-- 6f = o
                                     | | | +---- 69 = i
                                     | | +------ 72 = r
                                     | +-------- 61 = a
                                     +---------- 6d = m

It's not that the GUIDs are very similar but the fact that all GUIDs have the string "mario" in them. Is that a coincidence or is there an explanation behind this?

Now, when googling for part 4 in the GUID I found approx 125.000 hits with volume GUIDs.

Conclusion: When it comes to Volume GUIDs they aren't as unique as other GUIDs.