Compile Time Incredibly Slow

Update 1:

I created a new project without running the Swift 3 conversion, imported my Swift 3 files, but the build time remains the same.

Update 2:

I've tried SWIFT_WHOLE_MODULE_OPTIMIZATION = YES, but as soon as you make changes to more than 1 file, the incremental build fails and it triggers a re-build which lasts for more than 4-5 minutes.

Update 3:

I've now re-written my entire code base from Swift 3 to Swift 2.3. It didn't make any difference, the problem lies with the Xcode 8 compiler.

Update 4:

I can confirm that unchecking these two Dependency check will alleviate the pain for a while, the Xcode 8 bug does seem to be tied to how it checks dependencies between files.

Update 5:

I've converted my code base to Swift 3 from Swift 2.3 since Xcode 8.2 beta requires it, the beta should include a fix for "Xcode will not rebuild an entire target when only small changes have occurred. (28892475)". Sad to say, they haven't fixed the bug and my compile times are exactly the same with Xcode 8.2 Beta.

Original post:

I don't have enough reputation to comment, but I still wanted to share some resources. I've been stuck in this misery for days, upgrading to Swift 3 has been a complete disaster.

I'm using this to track slow files, even though just like you, that's not my problem. Something else in xcode is taking literally 4 minutes to complete:

I've also made sure I don't have any lazy vars or closures that swift doesn't like. Don't use the + operator when concatenating strings, etc. see this.

I'll update this answer if I find anything, it's just about impossible to be productive with Swift 3 ATM.

I'm using Xcode 8.1 My issue was with Dictionary which uses Nil-Coalescing Operator

this is my code when it takes 10 minutes to build:

    let params: [String:String] = [
        "email": email ??,
        "clave": password,
        "tipo_documento": documentType?.rawValue ?? self.typeDocument.rawValue,
        "documento": number ?? self.documentNumber,
        "nombre": name ??,
        "apellidos": lastName ?? self.lastName,
        "fecha_nacimiento": birth?.parse() ?? self.birthDate.parse(),
        "genero": genre?.rawValue ?? self.genre.rawValue,
        "telefono_movil": cel ?? self.cel,
        "direccion": address ?? self.address

I don't know why but it advertise me that the Dictionary take a long time to compile.

enter image description here

Then I change it to:

    var params: [String:String] = [:]
        params["email"] = email ??
        params["clave"] = password
        params["tipo_documento"] = documentType?.rawValue ?? self.typeDocument.rawValue
        params["documento"] = number ?? self.documentNumber
        params["nombre"] = name ??
        params["apellidos"] = lastName ?? self.lastName
        params["fecha_nacimiento"] = birth?.parse() ?? self.birthDate.parse()
        params["genero"] = genre?.rawValue ?? self.genre.rawValue
        params["telefono_movil"] = cel ?? self.cel
        params["direccion"] = address ?? self.address

Hope it could help some of you.

Also string concatenation seems to be incredible slow in Swift3/XCode8:

item.text = item.text + " " + pickerText + " " + (attribute?.Prefix ?? "") + inputText + (attribute?.Suffix ?? "")

~ took 8-10 seconds to compile

item.text = "\(item.text) \(pickerText) \(attribute?.Prefix ?? "")\(inputText)\(attribute?.Suffix ?? "")"

~ took 1,6 seconds to compile

item.text = [item.text, " ", pickerText, " ", (attribute?.Prefix ?? ""), inputText, (attribute?.Suffix ?? "")].joined();

~ took 0,001 second to compile