Actual working tutorial of installing catalina on an external drive?

I want to know where the working tutorial for installing Catalina on an external drive is.

All the tutorial I managed to google up for some reason failed to mention the "missing a firmware partition" error.

I tried to install it using clover or raw official installer, under a GUID scheme. All got stuck at this "firmware partition" gag. I tried to use apple FS but to no avail.

Would someone please help me? This is driving me nuts. My MacBook is genuine, not HacBook.

Solution 1:

  1. Plug the external drive to your MacBook and Launch Disk Utility.

  2. Select the external drive on the left-hand side panel, select Edit>Erase, choose APFS and GUID partition map and press Erase:

    enter image description here

  3. Download Catalina installer from your genuine MacBook App Store by clicking this link.

  4. After downloading, the installer launches automatically. If you want to install Catalina at a later time, you can find the installer in the Applications folder:

    enter image description here

  5. Follow the onscreen instructions, and when asked where to install Catalina, choose the external disk.

  6. You MacBook will restart and proceed with the installation.

When the installation is over, to boot from the external disk, start up your Mac and press and hold the Option key to display the Startup Manager. Choose the external disk and click the arrow under its icon.

See these support articles about installing Catalina and erasing a disk for more information.