Is there a word that means "to walk slowly"? [closed]

The only word that comes to my mind is tiptoe. However, this word implies that you are walking stealthily or cautiously.

Is there a word that just means to walk slowly?

Example sentence:

Without knowing what I was doing, I _ toward her.

Solution 1:

I would suggest amble:


  1. to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll; saunter:


  1. a slow, easy walk or gentle pace.

Your sentence would then be:

Without knowing what I was doing, I ambled toward her.

As that definition suggests, strolled or sauntered may also work for you.

Solution 2:

Depends on what kind of a slow walk you are looking for.

Plod (verb)

walk doggedly and slowly with heavy steps.

e.g. She plodded into the kitchen after a tiresome day.

Lumber (verb)

move in a slow, heavy, awkward way.

Shamble (verb)

(of a person) move with a slow, shuffling, awkward gait.

So the answer would be, "Without knowing what I was doing, I plodded/shambled/lumbered towards her".

Solution 3:


move slowly and idly in a particular direction.

This is the word I would use.

Solution 4:

If it's done in a relaxed and leisurely manner, then you "moseyed toward her".

From Cambridge:

to walk or go slowly, usually without a special purpose:

I'll just mosey on down to the beach for a while.

I'd say the closest synonym is "saunter" (and it's the first word I thought of when I came across this question but saw that I'd been beaten to it) and I'd also say it's perhaps more common in AmE than BrE.

Solution 5:


Definition #2:

to walk in a leisurely or idle manner