"Programs running in/on machine”

Which preposition should be used in the following sentence?

All of my programs are running in/on a 16-core machine.

Google shows both options.

Solution 1:

Programs run on, and not in, a computer or machine.

  • I can run Windows on my mac using Boot Camp.
  • Memory-intensive applications run on my multicore monster of a machine like a dream.

Consider these sentences, though:

  • I run all my programs in Windows on my mac.
  • Office 2004 won't run in Snow Leopard, will it?

Generally, software to hardware takes on, while software to software takes in.

Solution 2:

On. Programs running on a computer is more common (though both are used), and sounds more natural to my ear. The ratio seems to be about 4:1 in favor of on, according to Google, and even greater in favor of on, according to Ngrams.