Is there a word that means "to turn into a habit"? [closed]

I'm looking for a word that represents the action of forming a habit.

As an example:

Joe wanted to find a way to __________ [habit-ize] healthy eating.


Not yet in dictionaries, but why wait? It shows up in exactly this meaning on Google's NGram--to make a habit of.

But! OED to the rescue. A derivative of habitual.

haˈbitualize v. (trans.) to render habitual.

a1774 A. Tucker Light of Nature Pursued (1777) III. iv. 44 With the sole expectation of rivetting and habitualizing the three virtues thereby in our hearts.

Also regularize might be considered. But habitualize is on target.

"Joe wanted to find a way to /adopt/embrace/take up/ healthy eating."

  • adopt - to take and follow (a course of action, for example) by choice or assent

  • embrace - to adopt or support willingly or eagerly

  • take up - to develop an interest in or enter into: take up mountain climbing