Navigate out of icloud drive and into the real world of local storage

How do I navigate out of icloud tree in xcode file browser? Somehow the scope of folders to navigate seems to be limited.

I use Cmd-K to navigate "up" but always end up in the iCloud folder The rest of the navigation options do not allow to get nowhere near the home directory on local drive where the git repository in question with the project is located.

So how can I access other folders?

enter image description here

pressing command-k here leads to

enter image description here

and you are stuck here cause all I have is three stupid icloud folders, no local drives in sight. Sigh.

The Open dialog works similar to the Finder, so you can move the mouse on "Favorites" in the left bar to see the "unhide" button, or use Cmd-Shift-G to enter a path manually.

Switch to Finder, then Cmd/comma for Prefs.
In the Sidebar tab re-enable your local drive locations.

Then, in the file-picker dialog, hover over Favourites & click 'show'.

Alternatively, if you can see the location you need already open on the desktop, you can just drag the icon from the window title bar into your filepicker to go straight there.