Startup Disk Creator not recognizing selected ISO in 13.10

Yes, It is irritating, that the .iso files are NOT being identified, certainly a bug.

Rename the .iso file to end with .img, and the usb-creator-gtk(startup disk creator) would identify it.

mv something.iso something.img

I found a "fix"

Startup Disk Creator looks in the Downloads directory by default. If finds any ISOs it sticks and will only let you use that ISO with the highest number and Ubuntu in its name. I solve this by moving ALL the ISOs from my Download directory in another directory. Startup Disck Creator can't default to any ISO so it comes up blank. It will then let you select ISO's from other directories as normal.

My exact process is:
1. Move all ISOs from ~/Downloads to ~/Downloads/ISOs
2. Run Startup Disk Creator, Source table will be blank
3. Click Other...
4. Open ISOs from any location as normal (in my case ~/Downloads/ISOs)

Hope this helps

This is only based on my computers running 12.04.4. Your mileage may differ.

Not a solution but as an alternative, you could try unetbootin:

It recognized any kind of bootable iso I've tested, even FreeBSD and other *NIX.

If you don't like installing it from the bundle in the website, you can add this ppa:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gezakovacs/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install unetbootin