Update React component by key

I have a React app that has a tabbed interface of open files. The open files array looks like this:

  { name: 'file1', path: '/path/to/file1', fileContents: '...' },
  { name: 'file2', path: '/path/to/file2', fileContents: '...' },
  { ... }

Which are rendered into <div>'s like so:

render() {
  return this.state.files.map((file, i) => {
    return <div key={`tab--${file.path}`}> ... </div>;

When my app renames the file, it re-renders the entire tab (since the key prop is now different due to the path update, React thinks it's a different component altogether and disposes of the previous element).

When rename "file2" to "file3", I would like my app to update the key from tab--/path/to/file2 to tab--/path/to/file3 without re-rendering the component at all - so just updating the key prop on the component.
Is there any way to find components by their key and subsequently update that key?

Keys shouldn't be used to access components. They're just used to let react keep track of the components within that scope. I'd just use a unique value on file (like an id) for your key (so that React doesn't lose track of the components) and use ref (<div key={i} ref={(f) => this[file.name] = f} />) to access the components themselves (via this[file.name]).

You'll probably need to do some cleanup with this[file.name] still pointing to objects when file.name has been changed to something else, but this will get you closer to what you need, I think.