Customizing Wallpaper for Apple Watch Infograph Watch Face?

I wanted to create a watch face that has

  1. a customizable wallpaper, and
  2. 8 complications like the Infograph watch face.

According to this page, the only customizable feature of Infograph watch face is color, so if I chose this watch face I wouldn't be able to use my own wallpaper.

Clearly, my goal cannot be reached without using any third-party softwares. I tried to search on GitHub but so far I haven't found a perfect solution yet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Wallpaper but with few complications Infograph but no wallpaper

Wallpaper can't be changed for the Infograph Watch face.

Even watchOS 7, currently in beta testing, doesn't allow this.

I suggest you provide feedback directly to Apple and indicate you want this ability: