Where is the POST tab in Chrome Developer Tools Network?

I’ve recently started using Chrome for development because I’m sick of Firefox’s huge memory footprint. Everything’s going remarkably well, but I just tried to view some posted data in Developer Tools, but I can’t seem to find it. I’m confused; I’m sure this used to exist in a POST tab, in the Network part of the tools.


I tried looking through the headers, but there’s nothing in there either. Where has it gone‽

Update: In response to an answer below:

You probably just forgot to click the Record button before submitting the form:

Unfortunately not. There is still no Form Data anywhere to be seen:

enter image description here

Solution 1:

  1. Click the Record button before submitting the form:
    Record Button

  2. Select the correct file (reduce clutter by clicking the category at the bottom)
    Document Selection

  3. Then you can see the POST data:
    POST Data

Solution 2:

For Seam applications or other frameworks that use a POST-Redirect pattern, you might have to use the Other category filter instead of the Documents filter to see the Form Data section.

Solution 3:

It seems that a) there isn't a Post tab anymore, now there is just the Form Data list that is usually present when you use the POST method for an HTML form. I realised that when you use enctype="multipart/form-data" in the tag, you won't get the Form Data list, but you can still see the data inside the payload list as pointed out by @Synetech.