angular2 testing: Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'input'

You need to import the FormsModule into the TestBed configfuration.

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

  imports: [ FormsModule ],
  declarations: [

What you are doing with the TestBed is configuring a NgModule from scratch for the test environment. This allows you to only add what is needed for the test without having unnecessary outside variables that may affect the test.

I had the same issue, even after importing forms module this was not solved. So I had to use alternative to ngModel for text field. Please check this link:

In summary i had used [value] to bind the model for the text field like this.


Also,if you are using date field you need to bind the model in ts. in the html, call the method


In the type script, use the following code.This is applicable only if you are using Ngbdate picker.

onDateSelect(event) {
  let year = event.year;
  let month = event.month <= 9 ? '0' + event.month : event.month;;
  let day = <= 9 ? '0' + :;;
  let finalDate = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
  this.finalDateVlaue = finalDate;