Kryptonite iOS automate enter PIN

Kryptonite has the ability to read my PIN from my phone, but recently after I push to GitHub there is a prompt:

Enter PIN for 'Kryptonite iOS':

All I have to do is press enter, but this is an extra step that didn't use to exist.

How can I get rid of this, so it just automatically reads my PIN from my phone? Pressing enter doesn't add any security and the few times I pushed to GitHub and then realized 5 minutes later I never pressed enter is pretty aggravating. FYI, I'm not using Bitbucket.

Solution 1:

I figured out what was missing. Running kr codesign in terminal gives instructions to add a GPG to GitHub for code signing.

Solution for the SAM prompt:

I believe you might be missing the IdentityAgent setting?

  IdentityAgent ~/.kr/krd-agent.sock