New build disappears after uploading it to iTunes Connect

I'm trying to upload a build to iTunesConnect with Xcode 8. Xcode shows me that the uploading is successful. In Activity tab of iTunesConnect I see that my build is appears and it's marked as "processing...". But after a few minutes this build disappears and I cannot find it anywhere. I tried to upload it again by Xcode 8, but it says the build is already uploaded to iTunesConnect. So when I tried to upload build with increased version it says OK, but I still cannot see the build in iTunesConnect. I tried to upload with Application Loader, but there is the same issue.

Check your email. App Store review may send you a email for User Usage.
This may help you. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in Xcode8

You have to wait like 5 - 20 mins and you will find the app in Activity tab (left side).

If you are in admin position for that developer account, you will receive an email about the state of the build you submitted.